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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos

EUROVOLC Etna Summer School 2019

In the frame of the WP3 - Task 3.1 - activities, the INGV has organized a Summer School that will take place on Etna (Linguaglossa; Italy) from 2 to 6 September 2019.


The title of the Summer School is "Understanding sub-surface volcanic processes". The school is addressed to PhD, post doc and young researchers. It includes lectures and exercises held by international and national experts. An excursion to the volcano is also planned. The school has no registration costs. Only the subsistence and organization costs to be paid to the hotel that will host the school.

Registration must be made online on the project's website (
The deadline of the pre-registration is April 20, 2019.

By May 5, 2019, the letter of acceptance will be sent to those admitted.