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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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 Modelling geological CO2 patterns in oceanic islands



Informação Geral

Research Project / Research Group Description:

The increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is under debate and evaluation of the geological settings as contributors or removals of this gas is particularly relevant at a large scale. Recent studies showed that CO2 anthropogenic contribution is quite significant comparing with the volcanic CO2 released. However, the estimations of the CO2 released by volcanic areas was based only on 10% of the known subaerial volcanoes. One of the key questions that was recently highlighted is the significant contribution of the diffuse degassing areas to the total CO2 budget released by the volcanoes, which can even be comparable to the CO2 emitted by erupting volcanoes.
Diffuse degassing areas correspond to the silent and permanent release of gases from the soil, through permeable structures (e.g., fractures, faults) that allow the gas transport from dept. These emissions are dominated by CO2 and are not only associated to active volcanic environments, but can be also measured in non-volcanic areas. CO2 can also be produced by biogenic processes occurring in the soils, and it is thus fundamental to discriminate its origin. Studies carried out in the Azores volcanic islands showed that approximately 80% of the CO2 released by the soils in the studied sites is deeply-derived and that is conducted to the surface through tectonic structures. Recent studies also highlighted that these diffuse emissions are more significant than the CO2 emitted by visible gas manifestations, such as fumaroles and springs. Most of the previous studies in the Azores were carried out in the polygenetic volcanoes, and few studies focused on the diffuse degassing in the rift zones. Modelling the CO2 behaviour in distinct geological settings is the major objective of this project and pretends to contribute to the estimation of the CO2 total budget in volcanic islands, as well as to understand the mechanisms that control the gas transport from depth to the surface.

Job position description:
The candidate will integrate the scientific unit of “Gas Geochemistry” of the IVAR, mainly focused on the study of volcanic/hydrothermal gases for both seismovolcanic monitoring purposes and risk assessment. The main objectives of this scientific unit are to define the baseline behaviour of the volcanic emissions from active volcanic systems in order to recognize signs of unrest;  model and understand degassing paths in volcanic areas, as well as discriminate the origin of the gases released; quantify the emissions of volcanic gases to the atmosphere and to estimate the heat fluxes released in fumarolic grounds; characterize and quantify the indoor toxic/asphyxiating gases that may cause not only health problems to population but also interfere with all biological systems.
 The candidate will develop research on the domain of fluids geochemistry, namely the study of CO2 in volcanic environments. The study will be developed essentially in the Azores archipelago and includes a comprehensive study of the processes associated to the release of CO2 in geological environments, including the integration of petrological and rock geochemistry data, gas and isotopic analyses, tectonics and geophysical information.
Candidates must have a degree in Geology, Geophysics, or in a similar field. Preference should be given to candidates with Master degree in geochemistry, volcanology or similar field.
The candidate should have the following characteristics:
  • strong background in geology;
  • preference should be given to candidates with experience on gas, water and/or rock geochemistry studies;
  • good skills in what concerns geostatistical approaches and GIS software;
  • good knowledge of English.