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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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Bolsas de Pós-doutoramento

Estação GPS (Ribeirinha, ilha de S. Miguel)

Establishment of geodetic monitoring strategies for the active volcanic systems in the Azores



The application challenge of volcano geodesy to the Azores archipelago is full of promising approach for understanding volcanic and tectonic processes as well as hazard mitigation. Since 1993 campaign-style GPS geodetic surveys of volcano deformation have been executed in the Azores and provided important information of crustal movement. Because they are short time measurements separated by long time periods (yearly intervals), no indication of how ground deformation changes along time can be obtained for the periods between the campaigns. Setting up of permanent GPS/GNSS stations which can provide continuous measurements of crustal movement is one of the most important scientific tasks in the Azores where several active volcanic systems are present. Reinforcement and optimization of the volcano geodetic observations network are very important for volcanic hazard assessments.
The main objective of this project is to optimize permanent GPS/GNSS observations networks with specific configurations according to the characteristics of the active volcano-tectonic systems. For this purpose, it is necessary to execute field examinations, and to develop communication systems and data processing schemes. Precise leveling lines will be designed and surveys will be are carried out to complement GPS/GNSS data. Integration of such kind of different geodetic monitoring techniques can provide better understanding of seismovolcanic activities. Existence of well-defined geodetic network and real-time deformation monitoring system strongly supports implementation of warning systems in the Azores.

Ficha de Projeto

Bolsa Pós-Doutoramento FRCT
GEMSAAV  - Establishment of geodetic monitoring strategies for the active volcanic systems in the Azores

Bolseiro: Jun Okada
Entidade financiadora: FRCT
Contrato nº:  M2.1.2/F/010/2008
Progama: Post-doc R&D Projects - 2008
Sub-programa: Apoio a projectos de investigação científica coordenados por bolseiros de pós-doutoramento da DRCT/FRCT
Duração: 2008 - 2011

Data de Início

Data de Encerramento



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