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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos



High Temperature Underground Thermal Energy Storage

Coordenador Científico

Joris Koornneef

Investigador Responsável/IVAR


​The Portuguese subproject is the second demonstration case (c.f., Iceland) for how the high innovation potential of bringing academic/research reservoir modelling tools to application in HEATSTORE can be transferred to – and add significant value to – the broader spectrum of established commercial geothermal technologies. It will focus on workflows for developing conceptual scenarios of a sparsely characterized, potentially high enthalpy geothermal resource, based on integrating geochemical data and preliminary well test information with subsurface process dynamics simulation based on ETHZ’s CSMP++ code. This is expected to significantly improve understanding of the potential for geothermal exploration of this area (the Caldeiras da Ribeira Grande fumarolic field, Fogo Volcano, S. Miguel Island – Azores). Following the pre-existent conceptual models, the geothermal reservoir, located in the north flank of Fogo Volcano, is a liquid-dominated system with temperatures more than 240 ºC and the flow is controlled by NW regional trends. Geochemical data that will be used to constrain conceptual models include gas composition from fumarolic emissions, water chemistry in thermal and cold CO2-rich springs, diffuse degassing maps and altered minerals found out along the wells log (available rock samples from surface until 1300 m depth). Drilled wells temperature as well as geological mapping will be also used as inputs to model the reservoir conditions.

For more information visit: HEATSTORE website:​.

Outros Investigadores

Outras Instituições

​TNO (Holanda), Universidade de Genebra (Suíça), ETHZ (Suíça), BRGM (França)...

Ficha de Projeto

High Temperature Underground Thermal Energy Storage
Entidade financiadora: GEOTHERMICA ERANET/DRCT. Financiamento portugês: FRCT.
Duração: 2018-2021 (30/04/2021)
Prorrogação: 31 de outubro de 2021 (6 meses)
Data de Início

Data de Encerramento



Unidades Científicas Operacionais