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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos

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Referência Bibliográfica

HIPÓLITO, A., MADEIRA, J., CARMO, R., GASPAR, J. L., (2011) - Neotectonics of Graciosa Island (Azores) – Uncertainty in seismic hazard assessment in a volcanic area with variable slip-rates. In: Earthquake Geology and Archaeology: Science, Society and Critical facilities (C. Grützner, R. Pérez-Lopez, T. Fernández-Steeger, I. Papanikolaou, K. Reicherter, P. G. Silva & A. Vött, Eds.). Proceedings Volume 2 – 2nd INQUA-IGCP 567 International Workshop, Corinth (Greece). ISBN 978-960-466-093-3.


​(Neotectonics of Graciosa Island (Azores) – uncertainty in seismic hazard assessment in a volcanic area with variable slip-rates): Graciosa is a mid-Pleistocene to Holocene volcanic island that lies on a complex plate boundary between the North American, Eurasian and Nubian plates. Large fault scarps displace the oldest volcanic units, but in the younger areas recent volcanism hides the surface expression of faulting, limiting neotectonic observations. Slip-rates deduced from neotectonic surveys are higher than those provided by kinematic plate motion models. This suggests a variability of deformation rates, alternating between high tectonic deformation periods, decreasing the recurrence interval of surface rupturing earthquakes, and phases of low slip-rate. Nevertheless, in historical time a few destructive earthquakes affected the island attesting for its seismic hazard.

