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Referência Bibliográfica

SILVEIRA, D. (2007) – Caracterização da sismicidade histórica da ilha de S. Miguel. Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta, 16: 81-102.


​Due to its tectonic setting, the Azores archipelago is affected by frequent seismic and volcanic events. Since the settlement, several earthquakes and seismic swarms of tectonic and volcanic nature struck the Island of S. Miguel causing a significant number of casualties and severe damage. A map of maximum intensities was produced for S. Miguel Island. This map was based on the macroseismic interpretation of historical documents containing coeval descriptions of the events, using the European Macroseismic Scale – 1998 (EMS-98). Isoseismal maps drawn for the studied events allowed the identification of areas characterized by anomalous values of seismic intensity, either positive or negative, and to constrain epicentre location for some seismic events.

