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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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Bolsas de Doutoramento


Development of remote sensing-based multi-sensor approaches for land use/land cover change detection in small oceanic islands in the context of climate change and natural hazards



This research project aims to address the main question on how currently available open access satellite optical (multi- and hyperspectral) and radar (SAR) remote sensing data together with the most advanced methodological approaches and techniques for data processing and analysis, may better support small islands’ decision-support systems and overcome their constant data scarcity, by successfully contributing to develop suitable, reliable and cost-effective frameworks for LULC changes detection and mapping. The main goal of this research is therefore the development of remote sensing-based multi-sensor and muti-techniques approaches for land use/land cover changes detection and mapping in small oceanic islands, in order to support spatial (or emergency, in case of natural hazards) planning and operational management in these territories.

Ficha de Projeto

Bolsa de Doutoramento FGF
Development of remote sensing-based multi-sensor approaches for land use/land cover change detection in small oceanic islands in the context of climate change and natural hazards
Bolseiro: Rafaela Tiengo
Entidade financiadora: FGF
Duração: 2022-2025
Data de Início

Data de Encerramento



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