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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos

Artigos em livros de atas ► Nacionais


Referência Bibliográfica

CARMO, R., GASPAR, J.L., FERREIRA, T., QUEIROZ, G., MEDEIROS, J., GOULART, C. (2023) – Vigilância vulcanológica, avaliação de riscos e difusão de informação no arquipélago dos Açores. Livro de Resumos do XI Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Coimbra, Portugal, 265-266.


The communication is vital for natural hazards mitigation and to the success of emergencies​ management. The IVAR/CIVISA provide technical and scientific advice to the Azores Regional Civil Protection and other local civil protection authorities, issuing specific warning messages related to natural hazards to Azores Civil Protection, as well as to entities related to civil aviation. All information of public interest on possible geological hazards occurrences is also available to the population in general though the IVAR/CIVISA website and Facebook.

