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Instituto de Investigação
em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos
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Referência Bibliográfica

HIPÓLITO, A., MADEIRA, J., QUARTAU, R., GASPAR, J.L. (2023) - A Falha das Lajes (Ilha Terceira, Açores): avaliação da perigosidade sísmica. Livro de Resumos do XI Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Coimbra, Portugal, 275-276.


​Oceanic-island volcanoes in complex geodynamic settings, as the diffuse transtensional plate boundary in Azores, experience an intricate interplay between tectonic, magmatic, and erosional processes. Establishing the temporal relation between emplacement of volcanic products and faulting is crucial to understand magmatic-tectonic interactions and to reconstruct earthquake history in volcanic edifices. An exhaustive analysis of the Lajes Fault (Terceira Island, Azores) is presented. The fault displays an 8300m-long, 30-100m-high fault scarp, extending further 13km offshore. Paleoseismological analysis identified 5 paleoearthquakes over the last 13.7-14.02ka (cal BP), including the 1614 AD event, recurrence intervals of 500-5000a, and maximum expected moment magnitudes of 6.6. Crucially, Lajes Fault is part of a larger active tectonic system thus increasing the seismogenic potential of the area​

